Getting Started with RVCare Logbook 3

First launch

If this is your first time using RVCare Logbook, and you have no pre-existing data, welcome! When you run RVCare Logbook for the first time, it will prompt you create a vehicle and it will automatically select the Vehicle pane. Once you create a vehicle, the other areas of the app are unlocked.

Location of files and database

The most important file that RVCLB uses is the main database. The filename for the database is RVCareLogbookDB.rvclb but it may have a different name if you are upgrading from an older version.  This file is stored in the following locations:


Macintosh HD/Users/USERNAME/Library/Containers/com.jimsmithsoftware.rvcarelogbook/Data/Library/Application Support



Some older Mac versions

Macintosh HD/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/om.jimsmithsoftware.rvcarelogbook


It is important to keep backups of the main database file, in case of any issues. RVCLB can automatically offer a backup file after every session. Go to Preferences > General to set this up.

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