If this is your first time using RVCare Logbook, and you have no pre-existing data, welcome! When you run RVCare Logbook for the first time, it will prompt you create a vehicle and it will automatically select the Vehicle pane. Once you create a vehicle, the other areas of the app are unlocked.
The most important file that RVCLB uses is the main database. The filename for the database is RVCareLogbookDB.rvclb but it may have a different name if you are upgrading from an older version. This file is stored in the following locations:
Macintosh HD/Users/USERNAME/Library/Containers/com.jimsmithsoftware.rvcarelogbook/Data/Library/Application Support
Some older Mac versions
Macintosh HD/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/om.jimsmithsoftware.rvcarelogbook
It is important to keep backups of the main database file, in case of any issues. RVCLB can automatically offer a backup file after every session. Go to Preferences > General to set this up.
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